{"id":1820,"date":"2017-04-01T18:05:02","date_gmt":"2017-04-01T22:05:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/?p=1820"},"modified":"2017-04-03T02:18:59","modified_gmt":"2017-04-03T06:18:59","slug":"april-author-month-suzanne-wright","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/april-author-month-suzanne-wright\/","title":{"rendered":"April Author of the Month: Suzanne Wright"},"content":{"rendered":"by Suzanne Wright<\/a>

My April Author of the Month lives all the way in England. She is the reason I love Paranormal Romance. She has written several series including my favorite, The Phoenix Pack. The 6th book in this series is set to release June 13, 2017. Her books will leave you breathless and wanting more. Her Alpha Males are truly magnificent and the females are fierce, strong, and sexy. Here is an inside look at Suzanne Wright!<\/p>\n

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Author Bio<\/h4>\n

Author Suzanne Wright, a native of England, can’t remember a time when she wasn’t creating characters and telling their tales. Even as a child, she loved writing poems, plays, and stories. As an adult, Wright has published thirteen novels: From Rags, Burn, five Deep in Your Veins novels, five books in the Phoenix Pack series, and the first book in the Mercury Pack series. Wright, who lives in Liverpool with her husband and two children, freely admits that she hates housecleaning and can’t cook but that she always shares chocolate.

The Interview<\/h3>\n

What inspired you to start writing?<\/h4>\n

Please note in advance that my answers are always boring. My idea of living life on the edge is changing my brand of shampoo \u2013 just sayin\u2019. Honestly? No idea. I\u2019ve been writing for as far back as I remember. Even as a kid, I was always writing something \u2013 books, poems, short stories, scripts. I write because I have to write. Always have done, always will do. Yes, I do know that sounds kind of weird, but I\u2019m weird so\u2026<\/p>\n

I love both the Phoenix Pack and Mercury Pack. You also have the Deep in Your Veins Series. What made you couple Wolf Shifters and Vampires with erotica?<\/h4>\n

I just write what I\u2019d like to read \u2013 it\u2019s honestly that simple. See, boring answer.<\/p>\n

Have you started working on a 3rd book for the Mercury Pack Series?<\/h4>\n

Already finished Zander\u2019s story. It will be released later this year. Sorry, can\u2019t give any hints just yet. I will say the heroine is human. That\u2019s new.<\/p>\n

What book are you reading at present?<\/h4>\n

Nothing as I\u2019ve been deep in the writing cave lately. I plan to start reading the pre-ordered books that are waiting on my kindle, but I\u2019m not sure what I\u2019ll read first.<\/p>\n

Who are some of your favorite authors?<\/h4>\n

Stephen King, Christine Feehan, Nalini Singh, Nora Roberts, Lauren Dane\u2026 the list kind of goes on.<\/p>\n

Have you ever thought about bringing one of your stories to the big screen? If yes, which one?<\/h4>\n

To be honest, I don\u2019t really think of stuff like that. I don\u2019t foresee it happening anyway \u2013 I think most of my \u2018worlds\u2019 are far too complex for it to work.<\/p>\n

If you had to choose, which character did you enjoy the most while creating them?<\/h4>\n

Um\u2026 I don\u2019t feel like I \u2018create\u2019 characters, I don\u2019t design them or pre-plan how they\u2019ll operate or what they\u2019ll do. They just sort of bloom in my head as I write. Most of them start off as a sort of silhouette. The more I write about them, the clearer they become. I get to know them that way\u2026 if that makes any sense at all.<\/p>\n

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<\/h4>\n

Exactly where I am, hopefully (including the bag of Skittles currently in my hand. There are worse addictions, I think).<\/p>\n

What do you like to do when you aren\u2019t writing?<\/h4>\n

Reading. And reading. And reading. And reading. You may notice a pattern there.<\/p>\n

Book 6 in the Phoenix Pack Series is coming out in June and I noticed you are mating different shifters in this one as well as Book 2 in the Mercury Pack. What made you decide to bring different shifters together?<\/h4>\n

Like I said, I write what I want to read. I wanted to read about more breeds of shifter, so I wrote about more breeds of shifter. It was fun and it allowed me to mix things up a little.<\/p>\n

Any plans to collaborate with other authors?<\/h4>\n

Plans? No. I don\u2019t really plan anything. Not even my books. But if the opportunity came along, great.<\/p>\n

Finally, what message do you have for your fans and what do you want them to experience when they read your work?<\/h4>\n

Message\u2026 you\u2019re all fucking awesome. All of you. Total utter rock stars. I like to read and write books that leave me with a good feeling, so I hope my books do that for you.<\/p>\n

You can find Suzanne here!<\/h4>\n\n\n\n