{"id":2595,"date":"2018-01-01T09:19:20","date_gmt":"2018-01-01T14:19:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/?p=2595"},"modified":"2018-01-01T09:35:51","modified_gmt":"2018-01-01T14:35:51","slug":"january-author-month-james-crow","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/january-author-month-james-crow\/","title":{"rendered":"January Author of the Month: James Crow"},"content":{"rendered":"by James Crow<\/a>

Happy New Year EBR Peeps! My January Author of the Month needs no introduction. He is known for writing taboo stories full of kink and uninhibited desire. He is an International Best Selling Author who pushes the boundaries of forbidden pleasure and allows his readers imaginations to soar. Here is an up close and very personal look at the Master of Kink himself\u2026.James Crow!<\/p>\n

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Author Bio<\/h4>\n

James Crow lives in the UK with his constant sub and six spaniels. Apart from writing filthy books, James’ hobbies include stamp collecting ( the tramp variety), knot tying, wax modelling and water sports.<\/p>\n


The Interview<\/h3>\n

I have to ask, what drew you to writing steamy stories for women and when did you know you wanted to be an author?<\/h4>\n

What drew me to writing steamy stories for women? That would have to be my dick. He\u2019s like a horny fucking meerkat, popping his engorged head up all over the place. I love women. Love turning them on. Love licking them in all the right places until they\u2019re a sodden wet mess \u2013 and to be able to do that with words, is extremely gratifying. I want my reader to squirm. I want my reader to lock the doors and close the blinds and get jiggy with Bob over and over again.<\/p>\n

As for when I knew I wanted to be an author\u2026 maybe that could have been when was I only five years old and all my stick-figure women had huge tits. I liked tits. All tits. At six I would get a hard on just getting served by Big Betty in the sweetie shop. I would ask for the chews in the bottom display so that she would bend down \u2013 and boy, those tits. I would go home and draw Big Betty\u2019s huge tits. And as soon as I could write the word TITS \u2013 I was an author. Simple!<\/p>\n

Have you ever visited the US? If yes, which state?<\/h4>\n

I\u2019ve been to Florida a few times. Beautiful place and beautiful people. And my favorite haunt is Hooters \u2013 go figure.<\/p>\n

How does it feel to have so much support from the Crowgirls? I love being a member by the way. We have such a good time!<\/p>\n

It feels all warm and cozy for sure. A gorgeous bunch of dirty girls. What more could a man ask for?<\/p>\n

What inspired you to write the very twisted For Her Sins? That was like no other book I\u2019ve ever read! Very delectable and raw \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n

Joss Whedon and Buffy. What a talent that guy is. I\u2019ve always loved his tongue-in-cheek style \u2013 and the way he weaves the supernatural into real life. One of my favorite Buffy episodes is \u2018Halloween\u2019. So, when I got the chance to write a story for Halloween and give it a filthy twist, I jerked at the chance. Jumped \u2013 I mean I jumped at the chance.<\/p>\n

What do you like to do when you\u2019re not writing?<\/h4>\n

Drink. Have sex. Drink. Watch the Walking Dead. Drink. Have sex. (probably in that order)<\/p>\n

Which Authors do you admire most?<\/h4>\n

From the past: Anne Desclos \u2013 so daring for 1954 \u2013 her \u2018dirty\u2019 book was banned, of course.
\nFrom the present: Clarissa Wild, Jade West, Isabella Starling, Willow Winters \u2013 to mention but a few \u2013 and, of course, we still ban the \u2018dirty\u2019 books.<\/p>\n

Are any of your books written from personal experience?<\/h4>\n

Yes. All of them. If you\u2019re gonna write about filthy perverts it pays to be one yourself.<\/p>\n

What are you currently working on and when can we expect a new release?<\/h4>\n

My WIP is about\u2026 a filthy pervert (surprise). It started off as a bit of kinky fun, but as his backstory filtered through, along with the backstory of our heroine, it got a whole lot deeper than kink. I\u2019m hoping to release early 2018, so get ready to squirm more than ever before.<\/p>\n

How important are reviews and how do you handle a negative review?<\/h4>\n

They\u2019re important because they can show me where I\u2019m going wrong and where I\u2019m going right \u2013 I always want to improve. Negative reviews are easy. They come in three categories. Objective, subjective, and troll. The best negative reviews are the objective ones, pointing out story or character flaws \u2013 something you can address in your future works. The subjective negative reviews tell you about your reader \u2013 sometimes that can be helpful. And lastly \u2013 troll reviews \u2013 we all get \u2019em \u2013 don\u2019t feed the trolls!<\/p>\n

What do you find difficult in getting your work out there and what tools\/avenues do find are most effective?<\/h4>\n

Since the advent of self-publishing, everyone (including me) wants to be an author. A quick google tells me there are over 5 million eBooks on Amazon with a new book uploaded every 5 minutes. It is difficult to have your work discovered when the market is so flooded. It\u2019s important therefore to utilize the tool that is social media, to get in touch with your readers and gain their support \u2013 and never forget they are why you write.<\/p>\n

Have you thought about putting one of your works on the big screen?<\/h4>\n

If only I had a spare few million \u2013 and if only such filthy erotica was allowed \u2013 I\u2019d love to.<\/p>\n

Finally, what personal message do you have for your fans?<\/h4>\n

I prefer to call them readers \u2013 \u2018fans\u2019 makes me cringe. But thank you, gorgeous readers. I love that you squirm at my words \u2013 and that you come back for more. Thank you x<\/p>\n

Get Social with James at:<\/p>\n


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You can also find James here:
AUTHOR PAGE<\/a> |\u00a0AMAZON<\/a> |\u00a0\u00a0GOODREADS<\/a> |\u00a0READERS GROUP<\/a> |\u00a0WEBSITE<\/a><\/div>\n
