{"id":2726,"date":"2018-01-31T21:17:02","date_gmt":"2018-02-01T02:17:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/?p=2726"},"modified":"2018-02-01T08:36:46","modified_gmt":"2018-02-01T13:36:46","slug":"february-author-of-the-month-rose-devereux","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/february-author-of-the-month-rose-devereux\/","title":{"rendered":"February Author of the Month: Rose Devereux"},"content":{"rendered":"by Rose Devereux<\/a>

My February Author of the Month is a writer that I truly admire. With several 4 to 5 Star novels under her belt, she has made her mark on the world of Erotic Romance. Her latest book, Breaking Grace, has readers simply amazed and mesmerized. She is a beautiful spirit inside and out, a woman who draws her audience into her world and won\u2019t let go until they are spent. I had the pleasure of asking her some questions to get the scoop on what\u2019s next as well as get a personal insight into this amazing Author. I give you Rose Devereux!<\/p>\n

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Author Bio<\/h4>\n

Rose Devereux writes shamelessly dark romance. In her other life, she is a traditionally published author whose books have been translated into five languages.\u00a0Reviews of her novels have appeared in Cosmopolitan, The Boston Globe, New York Magazine, and the Associated Press.
\nShe loves animals, sleeping late, and alpha males, and would drink Prosecco every day at lunch if she could. She lives in Boston and New Hampshire.

The Interview<\/h3>\n

What made you choose hot, steamy stories to write about?<\/h4>\n

I\u2019ve always loved romantic books and movies, the steamier and darker the better! When it came time to decide which genre to write, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.<\/p>\n

When did you realize that you wanted to be an Author?<\/h4>\n

I can\u2019t remember when I didn\u2019t! I must have been about five.<\/p>\n

Where do you draw inspiration from? Are any of your books based on actual experience?<\/h4>\n

Though none of my books are based on actual experience, I draw inspiration from other great authors, dark movies and TV shows, and especially music. I love writing to minor-key, mostly instrumental music. It really helps me feel my characters\u2019 emotions.<\/p>\n

What do you like to do when you\u2019re not writing?<\/h4>\n

Work out and cook healthy food. My other passion besides writing is fitness.<\/p>\n

What Authors do you admire or love to read?<\/h4>\n

I\u2019m a huge Jade West and Dani Rene fan, and immediately read anything they release! I\u2019m reading Tragic Beauty by Iris Ann Hunter right now and loving it.<\/p>\n

Your readers love your work, how does it make you feel to have so much support?<\/h4>\n

I honestly feel that my readers are co-writers of my books. They give me so much amazing feedback, inspiration, and help. I feel so blessed and grateful for every person who reads my books. A note from a reader will keep me motivated and working hard for days!<\/p>\n

Are you working on any new projects?<\/h4>\n

I\u2019m working on the story about Coral and Fritz, two characters from my last book, Breaking Grace. I also just finished a short story for the anthology Infamous Hearts, which comes out next month and benefits charity.<\/p>\n

What goals have you set for yourself as an Author?<\/h4>\n

To write as much as I can and make a living writing! It\u2019s not easy but I\u2019m getting closer.<\/p>\n

Do you feel it\u2019s important to interact with your readers?<\/h4>\n

I think interacting with readers is as important as writing. Not only do I love it, but I think it\u2019s the only real way to build an audience. I\u2019d interact with readers through Facebook and other social media all day if I could!<\/p>\n

Do you put limits on yourself while you\u2019re writing, or do you just let it flow?<\/h4>\n

I try to follow an outline now, which I guess is a form of limiting myself. But I also try to leave room for inspiration and \u201ceureka\u201d moments, which I think give books a more spontaneous feel.<\/p>\n

Do you have any work that you never published? If yes, why?<\/h4>\n

I have a book that I took off the market about a year and a half ago because it didn\u2019t seem dark enough to me. I also wrote some category romances when I was first starting out, and I hope they never see the light of day!<\/p>\n

If you could speak to one person past or present who would it be and what would you ask them?<\/h4>\n

I\u2019d ask the author Daphne du Maurier how she thought up all of the brilliant twists for my favorite book in the world, Rebecca.<\/p>\n

Finally, what message do you have for your readers?<\/h4>\n

That I couldn\u2019t \u2014 and wouldn\u2019t want to \u2014 write without all of their love and support! They mean everything to me. Every word I write is for them.<\/p>\n

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Visit\u00a0Rose Devereux at:<\/h2>\n


