{"id":846,"date":"2016-12-12T12:36:06","date_gmt":"2016-12-12T17:36:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/?p=846"},"modified":"2017-01-23T18:21:12","modified_gmt":"2017-01-23T23:21:12","slug":"black-ink-iii","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/eroticbookreview.com\/black-ink-iii\/","title":{"rendered":"Black Ink III"},"content":{"rendered":"\"BlackBlack Ink: Part III<\/strong> by N.M. Catalano<\/a>
Black Ink Series #3<\/a>
on October 13, 2016
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In part I and II I was plunged into the world of Alexander Black and his need for total control. Gemma, who is feisty and stubborn who is willing to give him all that he asks for\u2026mind, body, and soul! Now, in part III Alexander\u2019s beast finally comes out and to put it mildly, he is ruthless!! Gemma is placed in a situation where time is of the essence and Alexander is more than willing to rise to the occasion.
\nAdrenaline rush is an understatement! I finished this book and it took me a few days to come down from the high I was on. I didn't know how to put into words how this book made me feel. I must admit, I was afraid that the ending would leave me with questions, but, as usual N.M. Catalano doesn't disappoint.
\nAlex's love for Gemma shined through in this conclusion. Parts of the book reminded me of the song \"Can't Remember to Forget You\" by Shakira. There is a line that says...but when you look at me, the only memory is us kissing in the moonlight\" and all I could think of was the Faceless Man. The song is about a relationship that should not be and it fits this story. I was wrecked emotionally before it was over. <\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\t\t