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Code Name Genesis: Jameson Force Security #1Code Name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett
Genres: Dark Erotica
Series: Jameson Force Security #1
on May 7, 2019
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Kynan McGrath is all things alpha, sexy, smart, and a security genius. Taking over Jameson Force Security has kept him busy and he’s managed to steer clear of his past. A past that haunts him with what ifs and questions of simply what happened. He’s somewhat content with his life right now. He has the perfect balance between his job and his play time. Playing at the Wicked Horse has satisfied his need for mindless, uncommitted escapades that have spilled over into his life and he seems to love the no strings attached lifestyle… that is until she comes back.

Joslyn Meyers needs help and she is desperate. She knows without a doubt that Kynan is the only one that can provide the protection that she needs. She has a stalker and she can’t shake him. This job requires a special type of security, one she can trust. Although the past is bound to resurface, she would rather deal with it, than succumb to the evil that is haunting her.

The Good:
I’m always looking forward to the next read from Sawyer and as usual she did not disappoint with Kynan’s story. It was all around good.

The Bad:
Kynan was such a jerk in the beginning. I was so ready to punch him!

The Ugly:
Being scared for your life is never a good thing. For someone to think they have a right to ruin your life for their pleasure is sick!

Worth the Read?
I absolutely loved this story! Kynan was such a dirty talking beast that I had to watch my facial expressions while listening. This read is hot, suspenseful, and drama at its best! Kynan and Joslyn are made for each other. They are magic and untapped energy ready to explode. I could feel his struggle with falling again, but he didn’t have to treat her so bad in the beginning.

That was cringe worthy, but necessary to bring life to his emotions. I loved when Joslyn fought back and put him in his place. He wanted so bad to punish her with his lust. He wanted to consume her and his ache for her was tangible. I am just awestruck that Sawyer continues to bring tales that are so complete and don’t leave you questioning anything. I’ve never listened to any of her books and felt empty. I’ve been left wanting, but never unsatisfied.

Shane and Imogen were believable as these characters and they did not skimp on the emotional aspect, the longing, and the desperation of Kynan and Joslyn. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series. I know without a doubt that it will be a Solid 5 Star Read as this one is.

Arthetta Rodgers

Arthetta Rodgers

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