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Dark Lover: Black Dagger Brotherhood Book #1Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) by J.R. Ward
Published by Penguin Group (USA) on September 6th 2005
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In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing more than Wrath, the leader of The Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The Good~
This book was very well written. The author captured the essence of what it means to be part of something bigger than yourself. I could not put it down!
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The Bad~
There was nothing bad about this read. It was easy to read and even seemed believable.
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The Ugly~
There were no ugly parts. This book was captivating and it really draws the reader into the hidden world of the undead.
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Worth the Read?
The Black Dagger Brotherhood series was recommended to me by a friend because I was curious about paranormal reads. I read this first book in the series and I finished it in less than a week! The Brotherhood consists of six vampires who are on a mission to kill their enemy, the Lessers. There is a war happening in New York and the Brothers do their best to shield the humans. The Brother Wrath is on a mission of his own and that is to kill the slayers who killed his parents. He is the only pure bred vampire left and he is their leader.

His most trusted fighter is killed in battle and Wrath is charged, by default, to protect his daughter. Beth has no idea that she is a half breed…part human, part vampire. She has been feeling out of sorts lately and can feel a presence watching her in the shadows of the night. He stands outside her window…watching, waiting, and wanting. He not only wants to watch over her, he wants to devour her. Wrath must usher her into his world and help her understand that what she feels is real and that she is changing into her true self. When he realizes she is his mate, he knows convincing her that his world exists will be a difficult task.

I fell in love with this book the moment I started reading it. It is believable in a sense that you can feel everything that the characters feel. Beth is strong, yet vulnerable and Wrath is an Alpha male who is falling in love. Will Beth give into the passion and the lustful pull she feels? Will Wrath let go and allow the feelings for his mate take him to a place he’s never been? Lust, blood war, alpha males, and suspense will leave you wanting more.

Arthetta Rodgers

Arthetta Rodgers

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