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Wicked Cravings: The Phoenix Pack #2Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack, #2) by Suzanne Wright
Series: The Phoenix Pack #2
Published by Montlake Romance on April 16th 2013
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Jaime Farrow… a fiery red headed wolf shifter who unabashedly flirts with the Beta from the Phoenix wolf pack. Now, she feels she must stop the flirting and move on because he ignores her and being part of the same pack complicates things. She has more important things to worry about and keeping up the facade of being a submissive wolf is hard enough, let alone keeping her attraction for him under control.

Dante Garcea… Beta, sexy, domineering, and intense. He doesn’t want the complications of having a relationship. He is craving Jaime, but, he leads her to believe that she has no effect on him. When she stops flirting with him, he takes notice and he doesn’t like it! Now that she has joined his pack, it is hard to stay away.

The Good:
I loved this read! It was exciting and passionate. The intense attraction between these two was thick and tangible.
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The Bad:
I did not want this to end. This story had me on a high that I wanted to keep going.
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The Ugly:
At times, Jaime was frustratingly stubborn. This isn’t necessarily ugly, but, at times it was the equivalent of a teacher scratching her nails on a chalk board (in a good way) LOL!
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Worth the Read?
Jamie doesn’t want to feel the pull, but, it’s hard to ignore…she knows it …. he knows it. Passion beyond anything they’ve ever known ignites and explodes. Dante will not stop until he has total control of her. He never takes no for an answer and Jamie is determined to keep her issues to herself. Her secret can pose potential danger for the Pack and Dante, as Beta, can’t have that happen. He must earn her trust, but, his desire for her is a distraction that must be ignored for the sake of the Pack…or so he thinks. Passion soon overtakes control and can no longer be ignored.

Twists and turns galore, moments of gut busting laughter, and of course lots of super-hot alpha maleness! Will Jamie give up her secret? Will Dante let go and satisfy his hunger for Jamie? Will the Pack survive the latest challenge? Lies will threaten their peace, desire will cloud their judgement, and the pull of a true mating will be tested. You will not be disappointed as you embark on the thrill of a lifetime. I am looking forward to reading this entire series. Wolf Shifter Romance at its best. Solid 5 Star Read! Listening to this series brings the characters to life and Jill Redfield made it a pleasure to listen to. If you love Paranormal Romance, I highly recommend this series. Solid 5 Stars!

Arthetta Rodgers

Arthetta Rodgers

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