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Author Spotlight

June Author of the Month: Sadie Grubor

by Sadie Grubor

My June Author of the Month is known to be open, honest, and real. Down to earth, bold, and beautiful, she believes that you should be true to yourself and honest about who you are.

Readers praise her work as being fun, great storylines, and characters that are relatable and lovable. Here is an inside look at Author Sadie Grubor!

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Authors Bio’s

I am a Haribo Gummy Candy Whore and foul-mouthed writer of romance, sex, immature and inappropriate humor. Yes, this is all a reflection of me and I can only hope you respect me in the morning. But I don’t expect it, in fact, I’m used to letting my trashy mouth weed out the classy folk.

​Basically, if you like cursing, laugh at gross jokes, and can handle my bi-curious tendencies, then pull up a plastic lawn chair, grab a plastic dollar store cup filled with Boone’s Farm or Mad Dog, and let the overpowering scent of my designer impostor perfume assault your senses.


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The Interview

When did you realize that writing was something you wanted to do?

I honestly don’t know. I used to create stories when I was a kid, was a huge journal writer as a teen, and then got really into fanfiction. Then, with some prompting from my husband, I started writing romance and smexy stories.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time? What the hell is this elusive spare time you speak of? LJL


I know I’m supposed to be like, Oh I read and paint, etc… Nope. I binge TV shows and lay on my couch. I’m a big fan of being lazy. J I mean, I like to bake, read, and do things with my family, but… TV/Movies & Naps are life.

Red wine and candles, blue Hawaiian and a night club, or cold beer and a concert?

Y’all classy… Cheap White Moscato, Oreos, & my lounge chair.

Are you currently working on a project?

I am currently working on multiple projects & about to make a sacrifice to the writing gods just to be able to get one finished before the zombie apocalypse.

A movie is made about your life, what’s the title?

White Trash Privileged: You can take the girl out of the park, but can’t take the trailer out of the girl.

What advice would you give 14 year old Sadie?

NONE. Let that bitch learn like I did. J

What is your life motto?

Be A Nice Person

How do you handle a bad review?

While I try not to read them at all, when I do come across a ‘bad review’ I just have to remind myself that it’s opinion. I have one and so does everybody else, so I can’t expect my words to be everyone’s box of cheap wine.

Are any of your books based on your life experience?

No, but I do take inspiration from my life for scenes, characters, etc.

What Authors inspire you?

All of them. Anyone who puts their words down, out there, etc, I’m inspired by you.

Have you written your dream book yet?

I’ve written some dream characters, but not one specific book.

Describe yourself in 3 words?




If you could talk to your celebrity crush, who would it be and what would you ask?

Um… if I met Shakira, or Katheryn Winnick, I would NOT be able to form words.

How important is it to have family/friends support what you do and the genre you write about?

I believe it’s important. That’s not to say its ‘necessary’, but it is extremely helpful to have people around you that support you no matter what you do. It makes the journey much easier and the successes more rewarding when you have people around to celebrate with you.

Finally, what message do you have for your readers and their support of your work?

WTF is wrong with y’all? Really? There were no better authors out there to read?


No, really, I love you all. Thank you so much for putting up with my ridiculous ramblings and crazy stories. You don’t have to choose my book(s), but you do. You don’t have to support my work, but you do. I am forever appreciative to you for it.

You Can Find Sadie Grubor:

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