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Author Spotlight

March Author of the Month: Thorne Black

by Thorne Black

My Author of the Month for March is truly fascinating. Banned on Amazon for his wickedly delicious tales, he didn’t let that deter him from spreading his amazing stories. Dark, erotic, toe curling stories that are so mesmerizing and gripping that I needed to find out a little about what makes him tick. Please enjoy this inside look at Author Ashton Blackthorne!

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Author Bio

To call Thorne Black a mystery would be an understatement. An author since he was a child, this deliciously wicked man comes in many forms, but usually you could find him cuddled up before a fireplace glass of Macallan in hand and his amazing lab, Pedro at his side.

A lover of extremes he’s travelled the world from the pyramids of Egypt to the gates of the infamous Auschwitz to the cold recesses of Maine.

Stay tuned ladies Thorne is back and darker than ever before. He’s not for the faint of heart.


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The Interview


When did you discover your passion for writing? Why did you choose Romance?

I’ve been writing since I was 7 years old. I’ve always loved to create stories. Romance more or less chose me rather than me choosing it…lol.

What are your favorite pastimes?

Skiing, hunting, hiking, boating

Flying to your favorite country for dinner or taking a yacht and anchoring in the middle of the ocean?

The yacht definitely. I love boating.

Are any of your stories based on real experience?

Absolutely! The entire Blackthorne Brothers’ series was based upon my own life and that of my brother and sister’s lives as well albeit loosely.

Who is the greatest supporter of your writing?

My family definitely! My awesome dog, Pedro, and my amazing PA Autumn.

Wine or Liquor?

Liquor no question.

If there was a movie made about you, what would the name of it be? Who do you envision playing you?

Dangerous Desires. I’d like to see Christian Bale in my role as he looked in American Psycho which would also be a befitting title for my life in some ways…lol

How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?

It depends on the book and what’s going on in my life. Usually it’s anywhere from a month to six weeks sometimes more.

Bourbon or Whiskey?

Scotch preferably.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

As the #1 Bestseller on the New York Times list for a very dramatic piece I’m planning on writing in the future. Also, an Oscar for Best Screenplay Adaptation wouldn’t hurt my feelings…

Love at first sight or let’s wait awhile?

It depends on the woman. Sometimes it’s hit it and quit it. Other times it’s slow and steady.

If you weren’t an Author, what do you see yourself doing?

A dictator of a fascist country…just kidding.

Which is most important, plot or character development?

They’re both equally important. You really can’t have a good book without both.

Finally, what message do you have for your readers/ supporters?

HANG IN THERE! Last year was awful for me with my Amazon issues, but I plan on returning full force this year. 2019 is going to be the best yet! Lots of HOT, roller coaster thrills await my readers in the books I have planned for this year also expect things to take a VERY dark turn in terms of plot as well. I’m going to be in Vegas in October so come see me! I do plan on a LIVE feed in the next few months so stay tuned…

You Can Find Thorne Black Here:

Instagram | Facebook Page | Website | Goodreads

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